2016年1月 エレクトロニコス(楽器)説明



【換気扇サイザー /Exhaust Fancillator】

2D試作羽根設計:山本惣一 / 3D試作羽根設計:山上祐介

The Exhaust Fancillator converts electric waves into sound by spinning an exhaust fan and catching the light that flickers through the blades as power in a small solar battery. Changing the number of fan blades creates a musical scale. The performer holds the solar battery and moves between the fans, or directly touches the blades and changes the voltage to control the speed of the rotations and play the music. Frequency is created by an item familiar from any kitchen, small factory or scary movie scene. There are ambitious future ideas to make blades with more musical possibilities and a giant Exhaust Fancillator.

Prototype Fan Design: Soichi Yamamoto (2D), Yusuke Yamagami (3D)

【黒電話リズムマシン /Telering Rhythm Machine】


This rhythm machine is played by electronically controlling the ringing of a black telephone. It is possible to play different rhythmic patterns and change the timbre by digitally controlling the tempo and directly touching the bell. Placing the telephone receiver down makes the bell ring, while picking up the receiver stops the ringing. Varying tempos and patterns are preset into the dial, which are read when the dial is turned. The receiver can also become a microphone for singing and rapping. Future plans include gathering a large number of telephones, each with different timbres, and ringing them to create a Showa-era call center-style performance.

System Design: Shiro Yamamoto, Yusuke Takei

【ボーダーシャツァイザー /Striped Shirtsizer】

テレビの音声端子を映像端子に差し間違えた際に出て来た縞模様のノイズ。同じ縞模様であるボーダーシャツからも音声信号が生まれるのではないか?ボーダーシャツで演奏できるのではないか?という仮説から始まった楽器。ビデオカメラの映像端子をギターアンプに繋ぎ、ボーダーシャツで映るとノイズの音程が変化。『ボーダーシャツを着ている = 音を着ている』ということがわかってきました。今後、システムをアップデートするとともに楽器仕様のボーダーシャツをデザイン、複数人で踊るように合奏を楽しみたい!

When Ei Wada accidentally connected the audio into the visual outputs of a television set,stripes of “noise” unexpectedly appeared on the screen. This led to the question of whether a shirt with the same kind of stripes printed on it could also produce audio signals and whether you could play music with such an item of clothing. And from these experiments was born the unique musical instrument that is the Striped Shirtsizer. Connecting a video camera input to a guitar amp, the musical intervals of the noise can change as the shirt is filmed by the camera. Thus, by wearing a stripy shirt you are essentially wearing sound. Future plans for the instrument include upgrading the system and developing the design of the shirt stripes to play as a chorus of multiple dancing performers.

【ブラウン管ガムラン / CRT-TV Gamelan】


CRT-TV Gamelan makes sounds out of the electromagnetic wave noise emitted from the screens of television sets with cathode ray tubes that the performer touches while a cable connected to a guitar amp simultaneously makes contact with their foot. Varying stripes are projected on the televisions, producing different sounds depending on the pattern. By tapping a screen the performer can create rhythms, playing a melody across multiple screens and adjusting the volume depending on how much of the screen is touched. When people join hands it creates a circuit and the number of performers increase. Future performances will involve more television sets and musicians, realizing a CRT-TV Gamelan Band!

【電輪塔 / Denrin-Tower】

リズミカルに明滅するブラウン管テレビが埋め込まれた塔。ここにラジオを持って近づくことで、テレビから発せられる電磁波ノイズをラジオが受信して、明滅と同期した音が鳴り響きます。近づいたり遠ざかったり、ラジオの種類を変えたり、チューニング・ダイヤルを回したりしながら、様々な音色を鳴らします。やがては空間に複数本の電輪塔を建造、それぞれの明滅パターンを変え、受信と送信の舞いを踊りながらその周りを練り歩く『電磁盆踊り / Electromagnetic Bon Festival』を構想しています。

This tower is fitted with a cathode ray tube television sets that flicker on and off rhythmically. If you bring a radio close to the tower, the radio receives the electromagnetic wave noise emitted by the televisions, making sounds in sync with the flickering light. The tone can be varied depending on the distance between the tower and the radio, or the radio type, and by adjusting the tuning dial on the radio. By constructing multiple Denrin-Towers in a space and changing the way each one flickers, an Electromagnetic Bon Festival is born out of performers processing around the towers in a dance of receiving and transmitting.

【洗濯機式ドラム / Washing Machine Type Drum】


This project started from the inspired idea of transforming a drum-type washing machine into a washing-machine-type drum. A donated double-deck washing machine was first used as a percussion instrument. After removing the safety catch that prevents the drum from turning when the lid is open, water was added to the tub along with instruments. In essence, a drum is a cylinder inside of which sound resonates. This is a quest to explore the new groove that is created when the drum of a washing machine is turned.

First model produced by Junking Kubota, Kafu Iwata

英訳:William Andrews

  • 和田 永

    1987年生まれ。物心ついた頃に、ブラウン管テレビが埋め込まれた巨大な蟹の足の塔がそびえ立っている場所で、音楽の祭典が待っていると確信する。しかしある時、地球にはそんな場所はないと友人に教えられ、自分でつくるしかないと今に至る。大学在籍中よりアーティスト/ミュージシャンとして音楽と美術の間の領域で活動を開始。2009年より年代物のオープンリール式テープレコーダーを演奏するグループ『Open Reel Ensemble』を結成し活動を続ける。Ars ElectronicaやSónarを始め、各国でライブや展示を展開。ISSEY MIYAKEのパリコレクションでは、これまでに11回に渡って音楽に携わった。2015年より役割を終えた電化製品を新たな電子楽器として蘇生させ、合奏する祭典を目指すプロジェクト『ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! (エレクトロニコス・ファンタスティコス!)』を始動させて取り組む。その成果により、第68回芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞を受賞。そんな場所はないと教えてくれた友人に偶然再会、まだそんなことやってるのかと驚嘆される。